A prestigious and visually stunning early sporting motorcar. 825 cubic inch, sixty horsepower inline-six. Beautifully restored and detailed, well suited to concours exhibition and brass era touring.
The incredible Peerless Model 25 presented here is a stunning Brass Era sporting motorcar, with power and presence in excess. This car wears evocative four-passenger open coachwork of newer construction, crafted in the spirit of the factory raceabouts of the period. It presents in a bold and striking bright green livery with subtle deep red coach stripes and brightly polished brass accessories. The 136-inch wheelbase chassis provides room for the massive inline six-cylinder engine, and the low slung coachwork and twin-rear mounted spares accentuates its length. Recently out of a noted collection of brass and nickel-era motorcars, the mighty Peerless presents in beautiful condition throughout.